Friday, April 28, 2006
It all starts tonight!!!
Here's the deets on this weekend:
Host - Charley
Music - Arthur and Jim
Judge - Mike
Team 1 - Swithun, Joanna, Tim
Team 2 - Adam, Paul, Mookie
Hosts - Tim and Mookie
Music - Arthur and Jim
Mices - Adam, Paul, Joanna, Charley, Mike, Beki, Swithun
Host - Charley
Music - Arthur and Jim
Judge - Mike
Team 1 - Swithun, Joanna, Tim
Team 2 - Adam, Paul, Mookie
Hosts - Tim and Mookie
Music - Arthur and Jim
Mices - Adam, Paul, Joanna, Charley, Mike, Beki, Swithun
Get your tickets now at www.gevacomedyimprov.org or by calling 232-Geva (4382)! See you this weekend!
Monday, April 24, 2006
This week on FIASCO! Season 2: The Hospital
Episode 5 was a party of laughter and danger so read close if you missed it!
Dr. Judy was an outcast in the hospital. No one would talk to her. Then, she overheard Danny Charlie talking to Dr. Chet Moneybags about how they had to get rid of her because she was too much of a liability. As Dr. Moneybags was explaining the situation to Judy, she pretended to get slapped by him so that she could sue him. Shortly afterwards, she proved herself to Dr. Charlie as a doctor, even though she didn't have a degree. The two of them decided that the only way the hospital could run they way it should would be if they got Dr. Moneybags out of the way. With assistance from Waldo "Wally" McCormick, they made a plan.
Meanwhile, Nurse Carrie Mittens had been hanging out with Sunny Thompson a little too much and decided that he needed him to get a life. They went out to an "alternative" bar, but Sunny's dance moves were too spastic for the bars owner. A brawl ensued and the cops were called. Sunny and Nurse Mittens barely ducked into an alleyway to escape. They had a bunch of sex there and an alley cat watched them. Gross.
Back at the hospital the plan to overthrow Moneybags was all set. Dr. Judy was ready to slip him the poison when he revealed that he didn't care about money anymore and wanted to help people. She didn't give him the poison which set off a series of crazy events which culminated in Moneybags killing the women who runs the gift shop (Waldo's Mom!). The staff apologized to Moneybags for trying kill him, but in an unfortunate slip of fate, Dr. Danny Charlie accidently stabbed him in the throat with his scalpel. They hid Dr. Moneybags' lifeless body in Sunny Thompson's locker, which they then hid underneath the U of R stadium bleachers, because no one ever ever goes there.
Don't miss next week for the exciting finale! Will Dr. Judy's love for Nurse Carrie Mittens ever be fulfilled? Who will become the new director of Strong Hospital with Moneybags dead? Will Sunny Thompson ever get his paper published? Will Waldo be able to build his expansion? Has the medication turned Daryl Homan Jr. turned into a soul reaving demon? Will Dr. Steve Kanibangya be excepted into the 5 o'clock snack club? What kind of guilt will weigh on Dr. Danny Charlie now that he's accidently killed Dr. Moneybags? He's supposed to save people!
Next week on... Fiasco! Season 2: The Hospital
Monday May 2nd
U of R Drama House
8pm - $2 Cheap!
Dr. Judy was an outcast in the hospital. No one would talk to her. Then, she overheard Danny Charlie talking to Dr. Chet Moneybags about how they had to get rid of her because she was too much of a liability. As Dr. Moneybags was explaining the situation to Judy, she pretended to get slapped by him so that she could sue him. Shortly afterwards, she proved herself to Dr. Charlie as a doctor, even though she didn't have a degree. The two of them decided that the only way the hospital could run they way it should would be if they got Dr. Moneybags out of the way. With assistance from Waldo "Wally" McCormick, they made a plan.
Meanwhile, Nurse Carrie Mittens had been hanging out with Sunny Thompson a little too much and decided that he needed him to get a life. They went out to an "alternative" bar, but Sunny's dance moves were too spastic for the bars owner. A brawl ensued and the cops were called. Sunny and Nurse Mittens barely ducked into an alleyway to escape. They had a bunch of sex there and an alley cat watched them. Gross.
Back at the hospital the plan to overthrow Moneybags was all set. Dr. Judy was ready to slip him the poison when he revealed that he didn't care about money anymore and wanted to help people. She didn't give him the poison which set off a series of crazy events which culminated in Moneybags killing the women who runs the gift shop (Waldo's Mom!). The staff apologized to Moneybags for trying kill him, but in an unfortunate slip of fate, Dr. Danny Charlie accidently stabbed him in the throat with his scalpel. They hid Dr. Moneybags' lifeless body in Sunny Thompson's locker, which they then hid underneath the U of R stadium bleachers, because no one ever ever goes there.
Don't miss next week for the exciting finale! Will Dr. Judy's love for Nurse Carrie Mittens ever be fulfilled? Who will become the new director of Strong Hospital with Moneybags dead? Will Sunny Thompson ever get his paper published? Will Waldo be able to build his expansion? Has the medication turned Daryl Homan Jr. turned into a soul reaving demon? Will Dr. Steve Kanibangya be excepted into the 5 o'clock snack club? What kind of guilt will weigh on Dr. Danny Charlie now that he's accidently killed Dr. Moneybags? He's supposed to save people!
Next week on... Fiasco! Season 2: The Hospital
Monday May 2nd
U of R Drama House
8pm - $2 Cheap!
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Pics from Artwalk
Friday, April 21, 2006
Improv for another good cause!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
This week on FIASCO! Season 2: The Hosptal

Dr. Danny Charlie tells Carrie Mittens RN that he's going to figure out once and for all who is not a real Doctor at Strong Hospital.

The staff figures out that Dr. Judy never went to med school!! Oh NO!!!!

Dr. Chet Moneybags, live on the air with News 10 NBC's Jennifer Johnson, telling all of Rochester that now when they get two lobotomies, the third one is free! What a deal!

Sunny Thompson performs a delicate brain surgery to repair the "freaky friday" situation connecting Dr. Chet Moneybags and Raj Gupta.

Is Wally the new "the Rage?"

Sunny Thompson will do anything to get his paper on Alternative Medicine published by the daughter of Dr. Chet Moneybags.

Daryl Homan Jr. was on some sort of crazy drug the whole time!!
Confused?? So are we, but that's okay. Join us next monday night at 8pm for the answers to these puzzling questions!
Will Dr. Judy go back to Med School? How much trouble will Raj Gupta be in from Dr. Moneybags? Who are these investors that Wally has coming to look at the hospital? Will Sunny Thompson be able to help Dr. Moneybags' daughter overthrow him? Just WHAT is in the water? Will Daryl ever be normal again? Will Dr. Kanibangya ever act professionally? Who will Carrie Mittens RN sleep with next? Dr. Charlie? Dr. Judy? Daryl Homan Jr.?????? We don't know! So join us next week for Rochester's only live improvised soap opera,
FIASCO! Season 2: The Hospital
8pm U of R Drama House
$2 - Cheap!
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Tonight we're gonna party like it's 717.
A chapter in history has closed for the University of Rochester's In Between the Lines improv troupe, and that is the closing of 717 Mount Hope, home to so many memories of this college troupe that brought Geva Comedy Improv many of its early members. Returning for the prestigious Alumni Show were such OG GCI luminaries as NELS YOUNGBORG and JEFF SACHS. A great time! Thanks to TIM RYAN and BORDEN for hannlin' up!

Thursday, April 13, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
FIASCO -- Episode 3 pictures!
Bethany's pictures from Saturday Night!
Thanks to BETHANY BONOWITZ, who's been there for us since the beginning, for these great pictures of our show with IRON COBRA this past Saturday Night!
BECKY during the strawberry shortcake scene.
GRAHAM plays gloomy gus to BECKY'S cute little girl.
MOOKIE laments the fact that his statue of JOANNA discovering America didn't win her heart.
TIM and CHARLEY are fixing more than their hovercraft; they're fixing their friendship. Aww.
Two audience volunteers help MOOKIE and GRAHAM discuss philosophy, sports, and day jobs.

Monday, April 10, 2006
This week on Fiasco! Season 2: The Hospital
This week's episode was so fantastic, I don't know where to begin!!!
It started when Sunny Thompson learned of Steve Kanibangya's plan to lobotimize Daryl Homan Jr. and use parts of his brain to bring Dr. Danny Charlie out of his coma. In the long term care unit, Dr. Judy returned from her voyage of self discovery and told the comatose Dr. Charlie that she had actually never been to medical school. Meanwhile, Dr. Steve Kanibangya had taken Dr. Chet Moneybags out to the beach to teach him to surf. Dr. Steve was a natural surfer, but something came up out of the water and took him away! Steve didn't know what to do, so he smoked a joint.
Back at the hospital, Sunny Thompson was planning on not lobotomizing Daryl, but using an ancient Native American technique to send himself and Daryl on a vision quest into Dr. Danny Charlie's mind and fix the problem there. Nurse Carrie Mittens stole some peyote from Raj Gupta's lab and Sunny Thompson prepared to perform the ritual.
Back at the beach, Dr. Judy showed up, having been tipped off by a screaming girl at the hospital who had seen Dr. Moneybags "swallowed up by a beast from the fathoms of the lake." She rented a boat and took the very calm and chill Dr. Kanibangya out on the lake to search for Dr. Moneybags. They found him floating in the water, seemingly okay, but he insisted he was Raj Gupta, "the Rage!" The boat captain ferried them back to the hospital on the Erie Canal and they sedated Dr. Moneybags. There wasn't anytime to lose, Dr. Charlie needed to be saved!!
Sweat ran off the brows of Dr. Judy as she raced to the Long-term care unit and as soon as she was there, Sunny began the ritual. Sunny Thompson and Daryl Homan Jr. entered the comatose mind of Dr. Danny Charlie and they began their search. Daryl Homan Jr. walked off and reunited with his childhood idol, the Pegasus. Sunny found Dr. Danny Charlie wandering in an endless desert and told him the plan. Once they found Daryl Homan Jr., Daryl gave Dr. Charlie part of his mind and he drifted back to conciousness.
The staff at the hospital rejoiced, Dr. Danny Charlie had been saved from his coma, thanks to Sunny Thompson and Daryl Homan Jr. Meanwhile, Dr. Chet Moneybags woke up from his "little nap" to find Raj Gupta in his waiting room. They began to argue as to just whose fault this little mind swap was and that was the end of this episode of Fiasco! Season 2: The Hospital.
Will the minds of Raj Gupta and Dr. Chet Moneybags go back to where they belong? Will Nurse Carrie Mittens' love for Dr. Judy be fulfilled? Will Danny Charlie remember what Dr. Judy told him while in a coma? What kind of honors await Sunny Thompson for his ground-breaking work? Where did Dr. Steve Kanibangya stumble off to? Will Daryl Homan Jr. ever be the same after giving up part of his mind? What the heck was in the lake? And where was Waldo "Wally" McCormick this whole time????
Find out next Monday night on FIASCO! Season 2: The Hospital.
U of R Drama House
It started when Sunny Thompson learned of Steve Kanibangya's plan to lobotimize Daryl Homan Jr. and use parts of his brain to bring Dr. Danny Charlie out of his coma. In the long term care unit, Dr. Judy returned from her voyage of self discovery and told the comatose Dr. Charlie that she had actually never been to medical school. Meanwhile, Dr. Steve Kanibangya had taken Dr. Chet Moneybags out to the beach to teach him to surf. Dr. Steve was a natural surfer, but something came up out of the water and took him away! Steve didn't know what to do, so he smoked a joint.
Back at the hospital, Sunny Thompson was planning on not lobotomizing Daryl, but using an ancient Native American technique to send himself and Daryl on a vision quest into Dr. Danny Charlie's mind and fix the problem there. Nurse Carrie Mittens stole some peyote from Raj Gupta's lab and Sunny Thompson prepared to perform the ritual.
Back at the beach, Dr. Judy showed up, having been tipped off by a screaming girl at the hospital who had seen Dr. Moneybags "swallowed up by a beast from the fathoms of the lake." She rented a boat and took the very calm and chill Dr. Kanibangya out on the lake to search for Dr. Moneybags. They found him floating in the water, seemingly okay, but he insisted he was Raj Gupta, "the Rage!" The boat captain ferried them back to the hospital on the Erie Canal and they sedated Dr. Moneybags. There wasn't anytime to lose, Dr. Charlie needed to be saved!!
Sweat ran off the brows of Dr. Judy as she raced to the Long-term care unit and as soon as she was there, Sunny began the ritual. Sunny Thompson and Daryl Homan Jr. entered the comatose mind of Dr. Danny Charlie and they began their search. Daryl Homan Jr. walked off and reunited with his childhood idol, the Pegasus. Sunny found Dr. Danny Charlie wandering in an endless desert and told him the plan. Once they found Daryl Homan Jr., Daryl gave Dr. Charlie part of his mind and he drifted back to conciousness.
The staff at the hospital rejoiced, Dr. Danny Charlie had been saved from his coma, thanks to Sunny Thompson and Daryl Homan Jr. Meanwhile, Dr. Chet Moneybags woke up from his "little nap" to find Raj Gupta in his waiting room. They began to argue as to just whose fault this little mind swap was and that was the end of this episode of Fiasco! Season 2: The Hospital.
Will the minds of Raj Gupta and Dr. Chet Moneybags go back to where they belong? Will Nurse Carrie Mittens' love for Dr. Judy be fulfilled? Will Danny Charlie remember what Dr. Judy told him while in a coma? What kind of honors await Sunny Thompson for his ground-breaking work? Where did Dr. Steve Kanibangya stumble off to? Will Daryl Homan Jr. ever be the same after giving up part of his mind? What the heck was in the lake? And where was Waldo "Wally" McCormick this whole time????
Find out next Monday night on FIASCO! Season 2: The Hospital.
U of R Drama House
Sunday, April 09, 2006
GCI gets some Iron Cobra insight!
Iron Cobra leaves their mark on Geva!
Iron Cobra graced us last night with a special performance - one half with the GCI boys & girls and then a half by themselves. Let me tell you, folks - all them statistics we've been listing off here about awards and the like are completely true, and this duo has proven that they deserve every bit of it. Here's a little sample of what went down.

GCI and Iron Cobra get warmed up downstairs before showtime.

Graham from Iron Cobra does a short scene with Josie.

I really don't remember what was going on here, but everyone was laughing.

Mookie gets Graham going on his distaste for "goo" and people who don't invent everything they own.

Graham tries to play several silent characters at once as Becky provides the voices for each and every one of them. He looks like he's lost it, but he knows what he's doing.

Becky and Graham tell the audience about the hardships of being born into the Marsalis family and not being able to play a single instrument.

Try as he might, Graham just can't stay angry at the doll and flowers that Becky brought him.

GCI and Iron Cobra get warmed up downstairs before showtime.

Graham from Iron Cobra does a short scene with Josie.

I really don't remember what was going on here, but everyone was laughing.

Mookie gets Graham going on his distaste for "goo" and people who don't invent everything they own.

Graham tries to play several silent characters at once as Becky provides the voices for each and every one of them. He looks like he's lost it, but he knows what he's doing.

Becky and Graham tell the audience about the hardships of being born into the Marsalis family and not being able to play a single instrument.

Try as he might, Graham just can't stay angry at the doll and flowers that Becky brought him.
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