Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Check out our amazing new homepage

In case you just check our blog, you should also check out the stunning graphic beauty that is our new home page.


I also like some of the new headshots. Check these out:

Chris, why are you biting your lip like that? Are you hot with anticipation for the new website?

Swithun your hair is all standing up on end. And just what is that in your mouth? A stirring straw? Why would you be chewing on a stirring straw?

Apparently when someone tells Ted to smile he looks like he's going to cry. And with that beard it looks like the Brawny man is going to cry. This is too sad. And too creepy.

My picture is by far the worst. You can't see my eyes and the expression I'm making indicates that I'm experiencing some sort of frustration. It's almost inappropriate. This picture has ruined any chance I have with any woman who ever sees it. I hope it's not in the program.

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