Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Judging Idea

Adam and I were talking over Coffee this afternoon. I (Mookie) was remarking about how being the judge is fun, but I feel we should add something to the show's effect. As is in way, I related it to pro-wrestling.

One of the major elements of making money in Pro-wrestling in developing a feud that makes people want to pay money to go see the show. The typical formula is that you put a heel (bad guy) on top and people come in the hope that some face (good guy) will manage to win and deseat the champ. It's the pay-off at the end that makes the people care about the feud.

In a similar fashion, we have a heel judge. He (or she) enters the theatre and tells everyone want to do and scores all the scenes. At the end, this guy who has been so mean for the whole show, is, well, just a mean guy. There is usually a pay-off for the teams at the end where someone accomplishes a 5 and the audience goes bananas.

What else could we do?

We were talking about introducing punishments (or humiliations or forfeits or whatever you want to call them) ala Gorilla Theatre. Perhaps at the end of the night, the winning team gets the prize and the losing team has to do something shameful or embarrassing. What if we went a step further -- what if we said the winning team could choose _who_ to award the humiliation to. It could be a single opposing team member, or even the judge. (We could add a clause that said a team needs to score 15 points or more, or something to that effect.)

I think giving some sort of stakes to the judge, trying to give the audience that ability to see fulfill of their dislike of him (or her), would be really rewarding.


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