Thursday, January 06, 2005

Deal With It.

So. Brian and I are walking out of Charlie's Frog Pond after rehearsal tonight, and I was wondering if fiscal irresponsibility might be a reason for being denied access through the Pearly Gates (these are the deep philosophical debates that rage in the highly intellectual underbelly of improv), and at one point I asked Brian:

"What if I was a good person but made really bad decisions, like, buying Bush's RAZORBLADE SUITCASE?"

...and as if on cue, some gruff-looking guy wearing a dirty Carhart jumpsuit walking the other way snorted a reply: "Deal With it."

Advice for us all, really.

-- Tim

1 comment:

  1. We can buy a copy of the album for 75 cents.I bet if we drove to GA, they'd let us pick it up for free too.

    We'll have Horgan stop over and grab it for us.

