We at Geva Comedy Improv understand that going downtown is a bit harrowing an experience for some of you fans, so we've decided to make it easier for you, by using the
ULTRA-SWEET Google Earth. Feel free to take notes.

Let's start out at the planet Earth. If you're heading out of the solar system, it's the third planet, just past Venus. Ours is the one with the lawn ornament made of green cheese.

Head for North America. If you're unsure, just listen for the sound of my friend's muffler, which he continually contends is loud enough to be heard from space. Look for the big lakes.

Move towards the last lake on the right. You can tell which one it is by looking for the bustling activity of tourism that's brought from the fast ferry.

Here's where it gets a little tricky. If you're looking at a city that's old, delapidated, and reeling from the lack of "hip," you're heading towards Buffalo. Ours is the clean, bright city that can't keep the 25-35 set interested in anything but bitching about how Rochester has nothing interesting for the 25-35 set.

Rochester was founded right after the last Ice Age by some humble, planet-loving Native Americans, whose 25-35 set was quite happy. Then came Colonel Nathaniel Rochester and his plucky comic relief of a neighbor, George "Eastman" Kodak. Rochester was very surprised to have found a place already named after him, and settled in. The Native Americans' 25-35 set immediately began to grumble.

And here we are. The white-topped building in the center is Geva Theatre Center. Please enjoy your stay, and don't forget to boo the judge. If you're still unsure how to get here, go to