Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Our first fan photos!!!
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Happy Birthday, Charley!!!

NELLIS makes his appearance at Bullwinkle's.

Saturday, May 28, 2005
Friday Night? AWESOME.
Tonight, Middle Name: Danger will play Charley's Angels for third place, while The Rock Warriors will tackle The League of Fancy Gentlemen for the top spot! Celebrity judges? CARSON and SANDY from 98 PXY! Get your tickets now! www.gevatheatre.org!

ADAM makes a point after Friday Night's show at Jay's.

Friday, May 27, 2005
GCI on the radio!
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Saturday Night's post-party at BULLWINKLE'S
Best place to wear a hat
Betty Meyer's Bullwinkle Cafe
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if David Lynch dated your grandma and opened up a bar? Bullwinkle opened up in, like, 69 1/2 A.D. and originally found old-school Geva Theatre-types making it their custom. A bezillion years later the place looks like it needs dusting, a fresh coat of paint, and a dehumidifier, but it couldn't be more fabulous, more fantastic, or more strange. You say you'd like to karaoke but hate being fenced in by the DJ's CD wallet of choices? Let Bullwinkle's outstandingly talented piano players play along to whatever the hell you want, or just grab one of their elementary school music-class brand noise makers and just play along. You'll soon be saving your out-of-town friends from labeling you as a boring stiff when you take them here, put them in one of Bullwinkle's funny hats, and let loose. 622 Lake Avenue, 458-5530 (Tim Goodwin)
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Brain Freeze!
This is completely unrelated to our upcoming shows, but hilarious! Check it out, it's a website my friend Tim made about Brain Freeze!!!
Workshop this weekend!
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Celebrity judges at 4X: 4-WAY IMPROV ACTION!

DARREN MARK of Channel 13 will be our celebrity judge at Friday Night's show!

SANDY and CARSON from 98 PXY -- the two on the right -- will be our celebrity judges for Saturday Night's show!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2005
GCI LJ community
I'm digging those ads a ton. (Team Danger is definately taking home the cup this weekend!)
I went ahead and created a "Geva Comedy Improv" community on the livejournal for our fans that might just be bloggin' on the LJ. The community is called gevacomedy and everyone is welcome to join! I think we should keep this as our primary blog - it's just another place that fans can randomly post and we can announce shows! ROCK.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Monday, May 16, 2005
Friday, May 13, 2005
iTunes Top 25 Most Played
1. Boot Liqour Radio - streaming
Radio for Cowhands, Cowpokes and Cowtippers. Classic and alt country meshed together. You will NOT hear Toby Keith. You will hear Uncle Tupelo, Emmylou Harris and lots o' Johnny Cash.
2. Save Me - Aimee Mann
This is from the Magnolia soundrack. I listen to it when I'm sad. (pout)
3. How to Fight Lonliness - Wilco
My favorite song from one of my favorite bands.
4. Intergalactic - Beastie Boys
Every improvisor must have some Beasties on their list.
5. WBER - streaming
That's right, WBER...the official radio station of GCI is number five.
6. Wise Up - Aimee Mann
Okay, I just want everyone to know that I'm not stalking Aimee Mann.
7. Sorrow - Bad Religion
Just because three of the first seven songs are Save Me, How To Fight Lonliness and Sorrow doesn't mean that I am chemically imbalanced. I just like my songs sad, my whiskey warm and my women...my women...okay, so lets leave women out of this. How about "I like my songs sad, my whiskey warm and my cereal with milk."
8. Backslide - Rancid
Awesome band.
9. Beer - Reel Big Fish
Mmmm, Beer.
10. Summer Teeth - Wilco
11. Ashes of American Flags - Wilco
12. Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Mmmm, Geography.
13. Paul Revere - Beastie Boys
Mix the revolutionary war with hip hop and you have my attention.
14. Rich Girl - Daryl Hall & John Oates
I really wanted to leave this one off the list. Big Jim would be proud.
15. Somewhere Over The Rainbow - Me First And The Gimme Gimmes
16. Plateau - Nirvana
One year my brother got a stereo (with CD player!) for Christmas. Nirvana Unplugged and Weezer's Blue Album were in his stocking that year. We played the hell out of those two CDs.
17. The Wolf - Rancid
18. Roots Radicals - Rancid
19. Here Comes a Regular - The Replacements
Another song about drinking. I don't have a problem, but you do if you haven't listened to The Replacements.
20. Jesus, Etc. - Wilco
21. Supersonic - Bad Religion
22. You Don't Belong - Bad Religion
I won't get into the reason that there are three tracks from the 'Process of Belief' on my list. Lets just say that last weekend I put the album on repeat. For the whole weekend.
23. Brass Monkey - Beastie Boys
24. Somebody Got Murdered - The Clash
Frankly, I am surprised that The Clash are on this list. I have a whole playlist just for them, so they don't get counted. Henry Rollins once said that The Clash are the band that U2 wished they could be (this is called Tim Baiting). I don't know about that, but I listen to The Clash quite a lot.
25. Fortunate Son - Creedance Clearwater Revival
Creedance kicks ass and I listen to this song when I get to thinking about my friends stationed overseas. I hope that they return home safely.
I know what you are thinking. "Adam, there is no Metal, Jazz or Classical on that list. You are obviously a white male who likes a very limited range of musical styles." You are probably right, but tied with the bottom four on this list are selections from Outkast, Mozart and Miles Davis. If you count AC/DC as metal (either way they rock) they are tied as well. There it is. Let the posting begin.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Top New York Cities
And here it is...
8. Buffalo
7. Batavia
6. Binghamton
5. Watertown
4. Utica
3. Syracuse
2. Albany
1. Rochester
That's right, Buffalo, we think you're worse than even Watertown, Binghamton, and Batavia. Suck it.
Hugs and Kisses,
Friday, May 06, 2005
Catfish and Capitalists
Here are the links:
This is the one about Noodling. It was something that I observed many years ago and remember vividly to this day. Interesting bit of Americana.
This one is just a link to funny T-shirts, but they are making fun of most funny T-shirts. The "Capitalists do it Ruthlessly" is already on my Christmas list.
Both links are from Boing Boing.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
More Star Wars Geekiness.
Monday, May 02, 2005
X-Wing for sale....
ebay: Huge Life Size X Wing XWING Star Wars Luke Skywalker