Thursday, July 31, 2008

JZ planning to "Totally see the crap" out of upcoming movie

Hey everybody, John here. Ya know what I like in my movies? ecxitement. Normally I satisfy this craving with kung-fu movies, but I think I'm willing to make an exception for this movie:

YEEEAAHHHH!!! Boom! BAM! KA-BLAAAM!!!!! Did you see that?!?! When the burning car flew through the air!? or when the spikes came out? when those cars shot those machine guns!? Congratulations Mr. Deathrace director, you have my nine bucks. I'm truly not being sarcastic here at all. I am seeing this movie in the theater. It's gonna be rough as I plan on simultaniously blaring AC/DC and drinking whiskey out of a dented, rusty can. But hey, I like complete immersion in my movie going experience.

1 comment:

  1. JZ, I will totally, and without regret, line my $9 up next to yours. This movie vindicates several of my suspicions...namely that a) Jason Statham naturally secretes a black, oil-like substance so that he appears greasy at all times, and b) that women's prisons hold nothing but the sexiest, in-your-face-iest ladies on the planet. Consider that velvet theater seat next to you taken.
