Sunday, November 25, 2007
Hilarious Clip
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Swithun No's Poetry Corner
I would have preferred "demons from hell" instead of "demons below" personally, but then again I'm not Poe.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Swithun No's Poetry Corner
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
A random musing.
There... I said it. I think I'll go register for the republican party now.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Mr. Peanut invites you to GCI's Super Spooky Halloween shows
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Geva Comedy Improv launches 5th Anniversary Season; Awards "SUPER SECRET FANCY PRIZE"

GCI is proud to announce that MICHAEL SHEEHAN is the lucky winner of our “SUPER SECRET FANCY PRIZE”

Friend of GCI MICHAEL SHEEHAN is escorted to the stage by the GCI Cast moments after learning he was the big winner of the evening.

GCI cast member TED fends off the ubiquitous paparazzi

MICHAEL anxiously awaits the announcement of the SUPER SECRET FANCY PRIZE
Monday, September 10, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
The Ugly Stuff - Part 2"
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Silver Screen Geva Team
Over the weekend of August 10-12th, members of GCI and friends, entered the Buffalo 48-Hour Film Project. In less than 48 hours, a film was to be made that utilized the following elements:
- Genre: Film de Femme (where the woman/women are smart and empowered)
- Character: Steve Simon, Inventor
- Prop: Keychain
- Line: "If I want your opinion, I'll ask for it."
- Image: Landmark of Buffalo
The result: "Boys Gone Wild" by Silver Screen Geva Team
After much deliberation, the judges have announced their superlatives. I am proud to announce that Silver Screen Geva Team received the following distinctions:- Best Sound Editing
- Best Acting
- Best Writing (tied)
This last award is perhaps the most remarkable since, as an improv troupe, there was no actual script per se.
The other team that tied in Best Writing (who also won Best Special Effects and Best Graphics) went on to win the overall competition.
So inspite of losing many of our promised shooting locations, massive creative differences, a team member quitting in the middle of the process, a lot of waiting around, and grotesquely incompetent leadership, the Silver Screen Geva Team pulled off a rather substanstial showing in the competition. This only happened because of the dedication and talent of all the writers/actors/crew--with special acknowledgement going to TV producer, Sumit David.
Oh yes, and unending apologies to Brian Daniel for misspelling his name.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
GCI hits the Beach!

BRIAN chats it up with GCI Volunteers MEG, RACHEL and LAURA.

Friend of GCI JZ defends his catch from volunteers BITS, LAURA, and our own PAUL NELLIS.

Who will get the Frisbee first? NICK or volunteer RACHEL?
TR wanted us to pose for some "frisbee action shots." In the end, the outtakes were better than the final product!

Where was JZ's hand going in that last one?!
Finally, good work guys!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Belated Post: WEDDING BASH!

Wooly mastadon's can drink like you wouldn't believe.

BRIAN dips the newest member of GCI (by marriage (non-performing member)).

Aww... they even have the same smile.

SWITHIN and EVE are boogyin' down.

Conga line!!! BRIAN, ALEX, SWITHIN, and EVE are followed by people we don't know.

BRIAN doesn't look happy. Nope, not at all.

In classic GCI style, PAUL, BRIAN, and TR rock out to Journey. Rest assured the infamous dance diamond occurred, and all photographic evidence has been destroyed.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Geva Comdy Improv performs, parties

"Listen to reason... you look like a fool in that hat."
(GCI internet archivist can't remember whether TED or BRIAN said this.)

Watch out for that flaming ball of gas, NICK!

BRIAN is welcomed to the Teddy Bear's picnic.

City Council is struck by Harry Potter fever.

Communist Russia did not escape the razor-sharp barbs of GCI wit!

After the show, NICK engaged friends of GCI BORDEN and JED in a rousing game of Guitar Hero.
TED seemed to be confused the whole evening. TR knew how to rock.
BRIAN refused to play nicely with others.
Another successful weekend for the GCI crew... well done team, well done. See you back on the Nextstage August 24th and 25th for SEASON V. And of course, we hope to see all of YOU there too! All new season = new improvised improvised theater!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Friday, July 06, 2007
T.R. answers call of the wild; takes a message
TR chooses a path less taken
A little more than a fortnight ago, myself and friend of GCI Borden set out into the wilds of the Adirondacks to engage ourselves in the instigation of a classic Hemingway-esque battle with nature. The charge was a simple one: to begin our epic quest of hiking the 46 highest peaks of the Adirondacks to become full fledged members of the 46’ers. On this our maiden voyage, we would hike 3 peaks in a single day, two such peaks on our hit list (Sawteeth and Gothics) and one ancillary peak in between. Plans were laid out, preparations made, and gear stowed. Fate, however, is a cruel mistress and would soon conspire against us.
BORDEN against the serene and majestic landscape of the 'Dacks
We arrived at 8pm Friday evening, set up camp, engaged the Park Ranger in a dialogue regarding our planned hike (to which he responded with, “Wow…that’s one hell of a hike…make sure you guys get an early start.”) and consumed the delicious culinary stylings of the US Military and their ingenious MRE's(Meals Ready to Eat).
A mysterious orgy of butterflys
On the dawn of the next morrow, we awoke early, ate breakfast and hit the trail. Our journey began with a 4.2 mile hike down a private road before we would even reach the trailhead at the base of lower Ausable lake. Once there, we chose to take the scenic trail to the summit of Sawteeth, a climb which is described in official literature as “difficult and strenuous”.

Difficult and strenuous indeed...
Not 20 minutes into our hike, after navigating nearly continuous steep slopes of 60-70 degrees (see picture above), we reassessed our original plan and decided that we would hike only one mountain this time around…as the trail was unlike any two fairly well traveled New England boyscouts had seen and was by all accounts, “kicking our a**”.

How steep was it? So steep we were forced to use log ladders

Disaster Strikes! We run out of water and BORDEN must purify a mountain stream
Below is an excerpt from my trail journal:
…the jagged and unforgiving terrain of Sawteeth mocks us as we inch toward the summit. Twigs snap and crack beneath our feet in a macabre symphony of wild and unfamiliar percussion. The mighty swell of the wind and the crisp crystalline rush of the enumerable brooks and tributaries seem to taunt us; “You are weak” they say, “You will find no solace amongst the slippery moss-punctuated rock face, nor compassion in the birch grove nor sanctuary amidst the needles of pine. You are abandoned and alone and shall perish upon this mount, ye men of hubris.” Indeed, perhaps we will, and yet still, we climb on, we climb on…

TR heroically wrestles a 600 lb black bear with his bare hands and saves a local girl scout troop while BORDEN runs off into the woods screaming
All told, we hiked a total of 14 miles and ascended 4100 feet to the summit.

BORDEN and TR perch proudly upon the summit of Sawteeth after narrowly escaping death
Exhausted, blistered and drenched with the saltine sweat of a mountain adventure, we exited the wilderness and returned to base camp where we promptly grilled meats, drank deeply of the lagers and ales of the region and passed out by the warm glow of a crackling campfire. I recall the stars being particularly clear that eve, slyly winking at us like so many prescient eyes who knew the secrets of the day; In this timeless battle of man vs. nature, man won…barely.
Friday, June 29, 2007
GCI Exclusive Undercover Report
Recently obtained hidden camera footage from an unknown source details the insidious and ruthless inner workings of Geva Comedy Improv. For the sake of humanity and in the interest of bringing this villainy to light, we have posted the video below.
WARNING: What you are about to view is very disturbing and should not be seen by anyone under the age of 17 or over the age of 35 (our target demographic), or by anyone with any kind of health condition, people who are easily frightened or upset or anyone with dry skin or complications resulting from dry skin or a dry skin-like condition.
Monday, June 25, 2007
To the guy passed out in the doorwell of the Parkleigh
Dude, what's up? What were you doing? We tried to get you to come party with us, but I guess you were too passed out. Anyways man, hope you had a good night and found your way home. I wonder where you were coming from? I wonder what your name is? I wonder if we will ever meet again? Hit us up sometime, we'll totally party.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Urinetown invades GCI!

Now, we all know you should have been at Geva Comedy Improv last night. Maybe you had a valid excuse - racing in the Criterium, in the emergency room after having been run over by the Criterium - something like that. Regardless of why you may have been absent, you missed a spectacular event that has never before been seen at Geva Comedy Improv: a bum-rushing by the cast of Urinetown! Check the GCI main page soon for more photos. And don't miss the next shows on July 20 and 21!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Contranella Plays Kibourn Hall
Well make your hearts gladdened, because you can see him perform music with his remarkably talented wife and father-in-law this Wednesday at Kilbourn Hall! And it's Free!
Contranella is
MEGAN BELLER on fiddle
JOHN WOBUS on piano
CHARLEY BELLER on banjo, mandolin, and percussion.
Kilbourn Hall is part of the Eastman School of Music and is located at:
26 Gibbs Street
Rochester, NY 14607
The Concert is next Wednesday, June 27 at 7:30pm
bring your friends, bring your family.
and there will be a couple of Irish Dancers from Drumcliffe.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The Ugly Stuff

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Geva Comedy Improv bids farewell to Tim Goodwin

GCI’s legendary leader, Tim Goodwin, waves to the crowd after his final show
Last month, GCI’s Administrator TIM GOODWIN performed his final show with us before packing up all his worldly possessions and setting course for Lake George, NY where he was cast in a production of Bruce Jordan’s “Shear Madness”. Sources close to Tim indicate that upon completion of the run of the show, he will relocate to New York City where he will “Make a go of it” and “possibly buy a wristwatch in China Town”.
A very talented actor and one hell of an improviser, Tim has been described by his closest friends as “charming, witty and an all around ok guy to hang out with sometimes, but not too often because it gets old pretty fast”. Tim’s presence has graced Geva Theatre Center and the Nextstage since the origins of Geva Comedy Improv and he will most assuredly be missed by those who knew him the least and missed slightly less by those who knew him the most. A great friend and Administrator of all things Improv, GCI conspired behind his back to put together this surprise farewell video which we showed at the end of his last performance:
Fare thee well Tim Goodwin and know that Wher’er the wind gusts North by East, so too lies the iron kettle and woolen blankets of yore; it is there you shall find us, and forever welcome you will be. Bon Voyage, sweet prince, and may you dream a dream of butterscotch and pennywhistles till the very end of days.
Sunday, June 17, 2007

Greetings blog lurkers! Check it out. We at GCI are having a 4x theatresports tournament this weekend! It's going to be crazy amounts of fun. Keep checking the blog for more updates!
Remember tickets are only $7 and there is $2 Labatt Blue specials all night long. Also, it's bound to be one of the most memorable and brilliant nights of theatrical comedy you have ever seen!
Coming soon, The Ugly Stuff comic!