While in Charlotte NC on a layover, JOANNA, ADAM and SWITHIN contemplate Jamba Juices.

SWITHIN and ADAM waiting for a plane in Charlotte.

In the back yard of Jake's -- the coolest ice cream place ever -- which is around the corner from Dad's Garage.

ADAM searches for paper plates.

The Dad's guys let us sit in on their pre-Scandal chat.

ADAM prepares to body slam JOANNA. Adam: a bruised arm; Joanna: hurt knee.

SWITHIN, BRIAN, and ADAM at The Williamson Brothers BBQ.

LUCKY YATES (The guy who made all the puppets you see on Homestar Runner.com) shows us how to buy Girl Scout cookies.

TRAVIS SHARP shows us around Little Five Points.

Five points for every improvisor you can spot in this picture.

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