Wednesday, August 30, 2006

We're Getting Ready...are you?

Hey! Here are the finalized dates for SEASON IV of your favorite improv group, Geva Comedy Improv. Start marking your calendars. Tickets for all these shows are now available at and 232-Geva (4382). See you soon!

september 29, 30
october 27, 28
december 8, 9
december 29, 30, 31
january 26, 27
february 23, 24
april 27, 28
may 25, 26
june 22, 23
july 20, 21

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Mookie's going away party!

Well, it's been a sad few months for Geva Comedy Improv - JOANNA, MIKE, LIAM, and MOOKIE have all said their farewells to GCI for greener, much tenderer pastures. Life, as it seems, happens. MOOKIE and his parents had us all out for a farewell party for the Mooker, and it was a great time. While we never want to see any of our own gone, we know that those who have new opportunities elsewhere will be better at whetever the heck they're doing than anyone else. Good luck, friends; thanks, Mookie, and...bon voyage.

Newest Geva Comedy Improvisor TIM RYAN points out the necessaries of the campaign in Tanzania.

Oldest Geva Comedy Improvisor TIM gets his Armatron on in Mookie's 80s Revival Room.

With deftest of fingers, MOOKIE schools the crew on Jenga, the sport of the agile and patient-minded.

MOOKIE points out the ways of another game for us to play. Stately manor, that Harrington Compound!

Cheeseburgers and mac salad delight the likes of Geva Comedy Improvisors TIM and ADAM!

MOOKIE entertains (from l-r) PAULNELLIS, BRIAN, and ALEX.