Geva Comedy Improv presents
The 25 1/2-hour Improvathon!
shows subject to change!
10:30 PMTheatre Sports -- root for your fave, boo the judge! Two teams vie for improv supremacy as they take your suggestions and make improv mince meat out of each other!!!
12:30 AM
Improv Karaoke -- just like singing in your favorite bar, but…well, without the singing. Take the stage and improv with GCI!
2:00 AM
Nellis Presley -- Let GCI's Paul Nellis tell you the tales of his world tour and other adventures! Featuring live music from Nellis Presley!
4:00 AMCampfire Improv -- Bring your strange and fantastically unexplainable personal stories to the Nextstage and discover the truth about what goes bump in the night through the magic of
6:00 AMMicetro with U of R's In Between the Lines Improv troupe -- see the improv next-gen as U of R's troupe battles for individual improv supremacy!
8:00 AMThe Morning Musical -- what better way to keep the improvisors going than a rousing, heart-warming musical?
10:00 AMGorilla Theatre -- See the improvisors duke it out by directing each other in scenes of hilarity and genius! Give them a suggestion! Help them out! The winner gets the prize…to take home the coveted gorilla!!!
12:00 PMBritaprov -- We've filtered all the minerals out and left only the delicious pure improv for your viewing pleasure. No sets, no preconceived characters, no rules! It's Britaprov!
2:00 PMSwithun's Happy Fun Kids' Show -- This family-friendly, happy fun time show will teach you life lessons, how to play well with others, and you might even learn a thing or two!
4:00 PM
City Council Improv -- Got a problem? Take it to city council! See what happens when the citizens of Anywheresville air their grievances, and how the smallest change in the laws can create hilarious results!
6:00 PMJoanna's Character Improv -- did you fill out your character sheets? See what happens when Team GCI takes your character suggestions and turns them into instipituously fantabulistic theatre!
8:00 PMThe pilot episode of
Lake Boat -- Mystery…passion…deceit…the improvised soap opera FIASCO begins as the crew and passengers of this fast ferry take on dangerous waters and dangerous-er…uh, danger!
9:30 PMpizza party!
10:30 PMTheatre Sports -- Yeah, we've made it all the way!!! More hilarity as two more teams trump each other with scenes and games made up from audience suggestions!